Category Archives: Internal

Internal Documents

Relaxed The Restrictions for Religious Gatherings

Praise the Lord! In view of the fact that the Government has relaxed the restrictions in relation to group gatherings for religious gatherings, starting from this Friday (9 April 2021), our church will gradually and orderly resume all regular physical services/meetings.

The church will continue to take various epidemic prevention measures, please cooperate accordingly.

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” – Psalms 100:4 NIV

Hong Kong Disease Prevention Measures

In light on group gatherings in public places under the relevant regulation enacted by the Hong Kong government, all physical services are suspended, continuing with online sermons, until further notice.

On Sunday, there will be three sermons provided online, sermons will also be provided online on Wednesday and Friday. Details as follows:

Sunday Morning
10:30am quiet moments and pray
11:15am online sermon – Sunday Service (Kowloon)

Sunday afternoon
2pm quiet moments and pray
3pm online sermon – Sunday Service (Hong Kong)

Sunday evening
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Sunday Evening Service

Wednesday/Friday Evenings
7pm quiet moments and pray
8pm online sermon – Wednesday/Friday Services

URL of Online Sermon:

Although we will be unable to attend church in person, let’s keep up with our regular worships (on Sunday, Wednesday, Friday and in Revival Meetings) with God in the Holy Spirit.

“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
John‬ ‭4:24‬ NIV
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:13-14‬ ‭NIV


備忘錄 onair網頁更新

onair 網頁更新了核心,變成全自動化.
網頁內容每日 TimeZone UTC+8 0:00:00 自動更新.
崇拜內容是來自 sermonScheduleSource.csv.
崇拜內容詞彙來自 的資料庫 洭出 csv (Export).

onair 是全開放 及 高流量平台, 因此沒有太多的背景運作,
因保安理由, 而避免進入 的資料庫 提取崇拜內容.

加了本地及香港時間,用家更了解時差. 例如温哥華及香港.





分別是 Web Admin 及 Web Operator.

Web Admin

Web Admin  負責雲計算上

  1. 糸統安裝,維護.
  2. 網絡保安,
  3. 資料傋份  (所有資料包 mp3, 通告,將會每月傋份一次, 作永久保存)
  4. 兼任 Web Development

Web Operator


  1. 有關教會通吿, 將通批核後, 再由(設計組)同工發送到網頁操作員.
  2. 由網頁操作員負責更新網頁.
  3. 網頁操作員不會負責修改内容,

在一般情況下, 值理會由義務秘書發出通告,
經電郵送給 Web Operator在網站發報,

傋註: 義務秘書可能在其他內容用字,提出意見或修改.
Web Operator 在一般情況下都應該執行.
但在其他網站工能上, 就是由資訊科技組長負責協調.

Web Site Structure


Updated: 20200611.01